We want everyone to be able to enjoy Willen Lake. That's why we've created an accessibility guide to allow you to plan your visit around any specific requirements you may have.
The accessibility documents, which can be found at the bottom of this page, identify the physical adaptations and management measures provided across all areas of Willen Lake to facilitate access to all.
Every effort has been made to ensure these documents are as comprehensive and accurate as possible, however, the level of provision may be subject to change. Measures may be temporarily unavailable at times due to breakdown, maintenance or other unforeseen eventuality.
There are accessible toilets available on-site including a Changing Places facility during Watersports Centre opening hours.
Please note, not all activities and facilities on site are operated by Willen Lake. This includes but is not limited to: Willen Lake Bar & Kitchen, Aqua Parcs, Premier Inn and Lakeside Pub & Grill. Contact should be made directly with each individual establishment in relation to accessibility.
If you require clarification on any aspect of these documents or if any adaptation is of particular importance to the enjoyment of your visit to Willen Lake, please contact us on 01908 246599 or enquiries@willenlake.org.uk.
Find visitor information including what facilities are available at the lake and how to get here.